Role Of Vyadhikshamatwa (Immunity) In The Prevention Of Aupasargik Rogas (Communicable Disease)


  • Trisha Talapatra P.G Scholar , Department of Kayachikitsa , Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Institution & Research at S.V.S.P , Kolkata , West Bengal . Author
  • Sukumar Ghosh Professor and HOD , Department of Kayachikitsa , Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education & Research at S.V.S.P , Kolkata , West Bengal Author
  • Md Tanzil Ansari P.G Scholar , Department of Kayachikitsa , Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education & Research at S.V.S.P , Kolkata , West Bengal . Author



Vyadhikshamatwa, Aupasargik roga, Janapadodhwarnsa, Bala


 A healthy and long peaceful life devoid of any disease is the main aim of Ayurveda. The  concept of Dina charya (Daily regimen) , Ritu charya (seasonal regimen), Sadvritta (Code of Conduct for  Healthy Life) , Na-veg dharan (Non Suppressible Urges) etc. are very well described in Ayurveda that are  required to maintain a healthy lifestyle , but for the prevention of aupasargik rogas (Communicable disease)  , Janapadodhwamsa (epidemic) , Krimija roga (Infectious disease) , the concept of Vyadhikshamatwa has  the most tremendous importance . Due to advance science and technology, improper lifestyle of human  being threat of communicable disease is increasing day by day. For infectious disease microorganisms are  the main cause . Ayurveda gives more importance on vyadhikshamatwa, if the Vyadhi-Kshamatwa (Immunity) is reduced than the occurrence of diseases is increased . This article contribute the review of  aupasargik roga in Ayurveda and importance of Vyadhikshamatwa for prevention and recovery from  Communicable disease . 


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How to Cite

Talapatra, T., Ghosh, S., & Ansari, M. T. (2021). Role Of Vyadhikshamatwa (Immunity) In The Prevention Of Aupasargik Rogas (Communicable Disease). International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(12), 134-141.