An Ayurvedic Management Of Pandu Roga (Anaemia)- A Review


  • Preeti verma M.D Scholar, P.G Department Of Kayachikitsa, University Collage Of Ayurveda, Dr. Saravepalli, Radhakrishanan Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan Author
  • Pramod Kumar Mishra Associate professor and HOD, P.G Department Of Kayachikitsa, University Collage Of Ayurveda, Dr. Saravepalli, Radhakrishanan Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan Author
  • Barhmanand Sharma Assistant Pofessor P.G Department Of Kayachikitsa, University Collage Of Ayurveda, Dr. Saravepalli, Radhakrishanan Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan Author
  • Vinod Kumar Gautam Assistant Professor, P.G Department Of Kayachikitsa, University Collage Of Ayurveda, Dr. Saravepalli, Radhakrishanan Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan Author



Pandu, Rasavaha, Raktavaha Srotas, Ojus, Jatharagni, anaemia


Anaemia is defined as the qualitative or quantitative diminution of RBC and /or  hemoglobin concentration to carry adequate oxygen to the body’s tissue in relation to standard age and sex,  and is clinically manifested by pallor. The clinical condition of anaemia especially iron deficiency anaemia  can be correlated with Pandu Roga in Ayurveda. It is mentioned in all ayurvedic texts such as CharakSamhita, Susruta Samhita, Astanga Hrudaya etc. Rasavaha and Raktavaha Srotas are chiefly  involved in pathogenesis of Pandu roga. The Anna-rasa nourishes all Dhatus, while the Kitta-bhag is  excreted out. The Anna-rasa is produced by the action of Jatharagni on Ahara. When there is hypo functioning of Jatharagni, which produce improper Anna-rasa and its leads to the formation of abnormal  Rasa Dathu and will consequently produce abnormal and deficient Rakta Dhatu. Thus the deficient of Rakta  Dhatu resulting symptoms are appear like Pandu varana, Rakta Alpata, Durbalta, etc. In this series,  ultimately there is diminution of the vital essence i.e. Ojus. As a result of above, the individual becomes  Nihsara (insipid) and Pandu is produced. General principles of the management of any disorder in Ayurveda  is divided in three parts, like Nidana Parivarjan, Sansodhan Chikitsa, Sansaman Chikitsa. In this review  article we made an effort to explain the etiology, pathogenesis, signs & symptoms, investigations and  Ayurvedic management of Pandu Roga (anaemia). 


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Prof. Ajay Kumar Sharma kayachikitsa composed, Publised by Chaukhamba orientalia , delhi partv 2nd Pandu Roga




How to Cite

verma, P., Mishra, P. K., Sharma, B., & Gautam, V. K. (2021). An Ayurvedic Management Of Pandu Roga (Anaemia)- A Review. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(12), 158-175.