Clinical Indications Of Kamadudha Rasa A Scientific And Experiential Review


  • Acharya G Shripathi Director Academic and WHO Collaborator ,Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences , Manipal India Author
  • Miss Rajeshwari S Acharya SDM College of Ayurveda ,Udupi India Author



Kamadudha rasa, Ayurveda, Pittahara action


Herbomineral formulations are popularly used in the treatment by Ayurveda physicians . Arogyavardhini  vati, Gandhaka Rasayana , Mrityunjaya rasa, Pravala panchamrita rasa, and Yogaraja guggulu are  commonly used such preparations. Kamadudha rasa is one such preparation which is pittahara in action  and given in pittaja disorders . Kamadudha rasa is having ingredients like pravala bhasma , mukta  bhasma , mukta shukti bhasma , shankha bhasma , varatika bhasma , shuddha gairika and guduchi satva.  All these ingredients are having sheeta virya and pittahara actions . They can be given in urodaha ,  udaradaha , amlapitta , parinama shoola , annadrava shoola and hyperacidity syndrome . These mainly  contain mainly calcium and supplements it to the body tissues . The present paper highlights about the clinical indications of Kamadudha rasa in a scientific and experiential view. 


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How to Cite

Shripathi, A. G., & Acharya, M. R. S. (2021). Clinical Indications Of Kamadudha Rasa A Scientific And Experiential Review. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(12), 142-148.