Study Of Dosha Dushya Sammurchana In Indralupta And Its Management With Bhallataka And Madhu W.S.R. To Alopecia Areata


  • Vikas Gupta Dr Vikas Gupta Associate Professor PG Department of Kriya Sharir Jammu Institute Of Ayurveda And Research Author
  • Danisha Sodhi Dr Danisha Sodhi Associate Professor PG Department of Kriya Sharir Jammu Institute Of Ayurveda And Research Author
  • Sakshi Panjgotra Dr Sakshi Panjgotra P.G.Student PG Department of Kriya Sharir Jammu Institute Of Ayurveda And Research Author



Indralupt, Bhallataka, hair los, Upavisha


 Indralupta is a skin ailment that affects all the hair-bearing skin including beard and scalp.  Patients who are suffering from Indralupta experiences loss of hair which is not like the usual hair loss but  rather tufts of hair which tend to fall out over a short period of time. According to the science of Ayurveda,  out of three vital Doshas of our body, Vata and Pitta get localized in the hair pores in the scalp region in  aggravated condition. This condition obstructs micro-channels (Sleshma and Shonita)to supply nutrients to  the hair follicle, which results in falling of tufts of hair in that particular region and also preventing further  regrowth of hair that leaves a bald patch. Bhallataka is identified botanically as Semecarpus anacardium Linn.f. comes under the family Anacardiaceae. It is commonly known as Indian marking nut and used  extensively in the system of Ayurveda to cure many diseases like Arshas (piles), Arbuda (cancer) etc.  Bhallataka is mentioned under Upavisha group in Ayurvedic classics and it is described as a poisonous  medicinal plant in Drugs and Cosmetics Act (India), 1940. Bhallataka should be used after proper  shodhana (purification/processing). Different shodhana methods are mentioned in the Ayurvedic literature.  In this study Bhallatak and Honey have been used to provide therapeutic relief to the patients of Indralupta 


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How to Cite

Gupta, V., Sodhi, D., & Panjgotra, S. (2021). Study Of Dosha Dushya Sammurchana In Indralupta And Its Management With Bhallataka And Madhu W.S.R. To Alopecia Areata. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(12), 70-90.