Physiological Evaluation and Correlation between Agnimandhya and Hypothyroidism


  • Harsh Sharma M.D. Scholar , P.G. Department of Kriya Sharir, DSRRAU,Jodhpur Author
  • Rajesh Kumar Sharma Associate Professor & H.O.D., P.G. Department of Kriya Sharir, DSRRAU,Jodhpur Author
  • Dinesh Chandra Sharma Assistant Professor, P.G. Department of Kriya Sharir, DSRRAU,Jodhpur Author



Agni, Agni Jatharagni, Agnimandhya, Thyroid gland, Hypothyroidism


According to Ayurveda Agni (digestive fire) is the most important factor in the process of paaka i.e, digestion  and the absorption of the ingested food. Acharyas has classified this Agni into 13 types, i.e. one Jatharagni, five  Bhutagni and seven Dhatvagni. Among all the Jatharagni is the most important one, which digests the food  and transforms it into Rasa and Mala.(waste product) The decreased intensity of the Jatharagni or weak  digestive fire due to various reasons is termed as Agnimandhya (decreases agni) which is the root cause of  several disease. Proper regulation and maintenance of Agni is responsible for digestion and maintenance of  proper metabolic activities of the body.  Thyroid gland is also one of the important glands of the endocrine system. The thyroid gland produces hormones  that regulate the body's metabolic rate, muscle and digestive function, and bone maintenance. Hypothyroidism  is the condition in which secretion of Thyroid gland decreases which disturbs the metabolic rate of the body  and slows the movement of food through your stomach and intestines. Slower digestion can lead to symptoms  like heartburn, constipation, and bloating etc. The normal as well as abnormal function of Thyroid Gland can be correlated with the healthy and altered status  of Agni. This article reflects the correlation between the hypothyroidism and Agnimandhya


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How to Cite

Sharma, H., Sharma, R. K., & Sharma , D. C. (2021). Physiological Evaluation and Correlation between Agnimandhya and Hypothyroidism. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(1), 211-216.