Role of Ayurvedic Modalities in the Management of Ekakustha (Psoriasis) ) : A Case Report


  • M d Moniruzzaman P.G. Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education & Research at S.V.S.P., Kolkata, West Bengal. Author
  • Waquar Akbar P.G. Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education & Research at S.V.S.P., Kolkata, West Bengal. Author
  • P B KarMahapatra MD(Ayu), Ph.D (CU), Reader, Department of Kayachikitsa, Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education & Research at S.V.S.P., Kolkata, West Bengal. Author



Psoriasis, Ekakustha, Virechana, Takradhara, PASI score


Psoriasis is a chronic papulo-squamous disorder of unknown aetiology characterized by well-defined  erythematous papules and plaque lesions with silvery white micaceous scales. It is an incurable ailment which  is frustrating to the suffering human physically as well as psychologically. There is no such satisfactory safe  and curable remedy in modern medicine. Ayurveda has considered all skin diseases under Kustha. Ekakustha (Psoriasis)is one of the kshudra kusthas characterized by Aswedan (absence of perspiration), Mahavastu (big  size lesions), Matsyashakalapam (fishlike scale). Due to similarity of sign and symptoms Ekakustha(Psoriasis) may be correlated with Psoriasis. In the present study, a diagnosed case of psoriasis has been treated with  ayurvedic modalities like Deepan pachan (appetizer-digestives), Ghritapana (intake of medicated ghee),  Virechana (purgation) as sodhana(purification), Shamana (pacification) yoga and Takradhara. The  effectiveness of these treatments were found unique and very much satisfactory. ‘PASI’ (Psoriasis area and  Severity index) score was taken as assessment parameter of improvement. The skin lesions of the patient was  calculated by ‘PASI’ score before starting the treatment, was found to be 48, which decreased to 1.2 at the end  of treatment .This case report showed remarkable improvement in overall condition of the patient with no  recurrence since 1 year. 


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successfully reduced to 1.2 from 7.8. For the assessment of improvement of lesions, ‘PASI’ scale was considered. Before starting the treatment his PASI score was 48. After 6 weeks or 1.5 month it was reduced to 24.6. After 3 months score was 17.3, after 4.5 months it was 7.8 and finally after 6 months of treatment PASI score was 1.2, which mathematically showed 97.5 % relief. So, it is evident that the various ayurvedic modalities like Deepan-Pachan (appetizer-digestives),, Virechana (Purgation), Takradhara and Shaman ousadhi(Pacifying drugs) is a satisfactory curative measures for Ekakustha (Psoriasis).

of this combination is required in treating Psoriasis which will help the patients to lead a healthy life physically as well as mentally

Acknowledgement :- Nil

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Conflict of interest :- Nil

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How to Cite

Moniruzzaman, M. d, Akbar, W., & KarMahapatra, P. B. (2021). Role of Ayurvedic Modalities in the Management of Ekakustha (Psoriasis) ) : A Case Report. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(1), 84-91.