Clinical Experience on Effect of Ayurveda In Vyanga W.S.R. Melasma


  • Manish Kumar Sharma Assistant Professor, Department of Sharir Kriya, Mahaveer Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Sardhana Road, Pohalli, Meerut, U.P, India Author
  • C R Yadav H.O.D., PG Department of Sharir Kriya, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Author
  • Sarika Yadav Lecturar, PG Department of Sharir Kriya, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, IndiA Author



Vyanga, Melasma, Mukh Lepa, kshudra Roga


Now a day’s importance of beauty is increasing day by day. People are highly conscious for their looks. They  are using various cosmetics not only for treatment purpose but as an essential part of their daily routine, so  natural beauty is getting spoiled due to the harmful chemicals. In modern medical science topical steroids and  cosmetic surgery have been described in the management of Vyanga or melisma. But all these procedures are  complicated technical ones which need expertise help or costly affairs which demands a lot of time and money.  Ayurveda mentions a large number of medicines for skin care including massage with local application of paste  etc. which makes face smooth, soft and Ayurveda Vyanga or melasma is a kshudra roga (Minor  Diseases). A 24 year old boy rush to ayurvedic hospital for better treatment with blackish spots, dryness, itching,  and burning sensation but there are no any systemic effects for long days back and earlier he was taken modern  medicine such as steroidal antibiotics drugs. Removing the steroids and antibiotics the patient advised to take  Ayurveda medicines and Mukh Lepa (face pack) for thirty days. Patient subjective criteria, objective criteria  have significant change in before and after treatment without any untoward and side effect. 


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ii Carak Samhita of Agnivesha,Vidyotini Hindi Commentary edited by Pt.Kashinatha Sastri, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, ,

Ayurvedic medicines along with manjishtha lep we can cure Vyanga or melasma.

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vii Bhaishajya Ratnavali of Shri Govind Das, Vidyotini commentary by Sh. Ambikadutta Shashtri

Reprint-2018, Chaukhambha Prakashan, Varanasi, Kushtha Rogadhikar, 54/76-79, Page No.892.

viii Bhaishajya Ratnavali of Shri Govind Das,Vidyotini commentary by Sh. Ambikadutta Shashtri

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ix Astang Hridyam edited by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi, chaukhamba Sanskrit pratishthan, Delhi, reprint 2014, Uttara sthana, chapter 32, Page No. 1123.

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xi Astang Hridyam edited by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Dehli, reprint; 2014, Uttarasthana, chapter-31, verse no28-29 page 1117.

xii Astang Hridyam edited by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Dehli, reprint; 2014, Uttarasthana, chapter-31, verse no28-29 page 1117.

xiii Carak Samhita of Agnivesha,Vidyotini Hindi Commentary edited by Pt.Kashinatha Sastri, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, , Utrardha Yonivyapada Chikitsa adhyaya 15/28, Page No.




How to Cite

Sharma, M. K., Yadav, C. R., & Yadav, S. (2021). Clinical Experience on Effect of Ayurveda In Vyanga W.S.R. Melasma. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(1), 27-34.