A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Effect of Vasant Churan {Saint Jones Wart) In the Patients of Manoavsadh (Depressive Neurosis).
Depression, Manasarogas, Medhya rasayan (Nootropic drugs)Abstract
Ayurveda an eternal source of knowledge has a multi angled textual material including pharmaceutical knowledge drug is a part of quadruped of the treatment. Of the treatment which has been placed next to the physician the comprehensive knowledge of the drug is very important to physician because without knowledge of drug the patient cannot be treated properly. In this way all ayurvedic classics advocates specific formulations for particular diseases. As mentioned earlier Medhya rasayan (nootropic drug) are indicated for all mental disorders in ayurvedic classics. Medhya rasayan (Nootropic drugs), drug enhances the functions of Buddhi, decreases the Raja, Tama, Dosas and presides better functions to manas and Buddhi. The passage of time causes the origin and development of modern medical system. This new system coupled with the fester pace of life and the need for rapid cure led to the proliferation of synthetic drugs. However, with the synthetic drug the problems of side effects and complications common. Chittoavasada (Depression) is a condition, which has very limited recipe so far established under therapeutic codex although there are number of chemical drugs available for the conduction but they are not free from over action as well as adverse effect. Vasant (Hypericum perforatum) is popular drug in the western countries used widely for many disorders. Hypericin the active constituent of the drug and the drug is used for the depression. The clinical study was shows that there were highly significant results in the category of mild depressives’ conditions and moderate depressive conditions, there was partially significant result in the overall all patients but the results in the severe depressive conditions are insignificant.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puru%E1%B9%A 3%C4%81rtha
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2036 9/
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