Shwasa–Prashwasa Prakriya (The process of Respiration) in Ayurveda: A Review


  • Priyanka Bhawsar Assistant professor, Deptt. of Kriyasharir, Smt. K.G. Mittal P.Ayurved College,Mumbai Author
  • Amit Nampalliwar Reader & HOD, Deptt. of Rognidan& Vikriti Vigyana, Govt. Ayurved College & Hospital, Bilaspur(C.G.), Author



Pranavayu, Vishnupadamruta, Ambarpiyusha, Jatharagni


In Sharangdhara samhita respiratory system dealt in small context in a four-line shloka, this  description speaks anatomical as well as physiological aspects. Sharangdhara samhita is written in  14th century and analyzing commentaries written in 16th (Deepika) and 18th (Goodartha Deepika)  century AD on respiration in Ayurveda. Pranavayu located at nabhi (umbilicus) by touching the heart  comes out through the throat to drink ‘Vishnupadamruta’ or ‘Ambarpiyusha’. After assimilating  ‘Vishnupadamruta’ or ‘Ambarpiyusha’, it comes back quickly into the body to nourish the entire body  and nourishes ‘Jatharagni (digestive fire)’. Considering physiological aspect of respiration, this  concept has been correlated with modern consideration of respiration and discussed in this paper. 


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How to Cite

Bhawsar, P., & Nampalliwar, A. (2021). Shwasa–Prashwasa Prakriya (The process of Respiration) in Ayurveda: A Review. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(2), 141-146.