Clinical indications of Chandanasava an experiential and scientific view


  • Acharya G Shripathi Director Academic and WHO collaborator ,Muniyal institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences Manipal India Author
  • Miss Rajeshwari S Acharya SDM College of Ayurveda Udupi India Author



Chandanasava, Ayurveda, Raktashodhaka, Rasayana


Herbal and Herbo-mineral formulations are popularly practiced by Ayurveda physicians in modern India.  Formulations like Dashamoolarishta, Pushkaramoolasava, Sarivadyasava, Maharasnadi kwatha, are few  Asava- arishta (Medicated Fermented products) preparations used in the management of various disorders.  Asava- arishta (Medicated Fermented products) formulations contain 9 – 10 % of self generated alcohol which  will help in extracting the alcohol soluble ingredients as well as help in preservation of active principles for a  longer time. Chandanasava is one such preparation which is used in the treatment of urinary disorders and  diseases of the skin. It is given in Mootra kricchra (Dysuria), Mootraghata (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia), burning micturition, dysuria, Gonorrhea, scabies, Eczema, furunculosis, etc. It is having actions like Dipana (Appetizer), Pachana (Digestive), Rakta shodhaka (Blood purifier), Kushthghna, Krimighna (Anthelmintic),  Raktaprasadana (Blood purifier) and Rasayana (Rejuvenation) actions.The present paper highlights about the  clinical indications of Chandanasava in an experiential and scientific view. 


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How to Cite

Shripathi , A. G., & Acharya, M. R. S. (2021). Clinical indications of Chandanasava an experiential and scientific view. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(2), 93-96.