Tratak – A Yoga Kriya For Eye Sight And Stress In Modern Era


  • Manindra Mohan Shrivatava Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Swasthvritta& Yoga, Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India Author
  • Anita Sharma Professor, Department of Department of Swasthvritta& Yoga, Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India Author
  • Sasmita Tripathi Lecturer, Department of Department of Swasthvritta& Yoga , Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India Author
  • Vibha Pali Lecturer, Department of Department of Swasthvritta& Yoga, Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India Author



Trataka, eye sight, stress, meditation


The way to solid life is having a sound brain. We are living in a quick moving age. Contamination, stress and  undesirable way of life are basic issues of the present period. Refractive Error occurs when the eyes are unable  to focus images clearly on the retina. These eye disorders are most common in children, but they can affect  people of any age. Because of today's lifestyle, which includes increased use of computers, television, and cell  phones, the eyes are subjected to a great deal of strain. As a result, now is the time to shield and save your eyes  from refractive errors (such as myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia, astigmatism). Stress can be felt anyplace  we go and whatever we do. What's more, since wellbeing and stress are connected, we may feel certain  repercussion on body i.e.- gloom, headache, hypertension, heart issues and so on Reflection is end up being an  incredible method to accomplish pressure the board, which manages psychological well-being than physical.  They have numerous physical and mental complexities, which can be manage refinement strategies of yoga.  The Shatkarmas of Yoga are vital to clean body and brain Trataka (to gaze steadily at a fixed point) is one of  the six karmas of yoga (The Shatkarma) for filtration of body and brain. Trataka (to gaze steadily at a fixed  point) is additionally a kind of contemplation which includes ceaseless looking at any article or point. It can  help us see better by encouraging mental concentration and strengthening and calming our eye muscles, which  are in charge of regulating our eyeball movements.  


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How to Cite

Shrivatava, M. M., Sharma, A., Tripathi, S., & Pali , V. (2021). Tratak – A Yoga Kriya For Eye Sight And Stress In Modern Era. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(3), 180-184.