Traditional Chikitsa Upkrama on Daivavyapashraya: A Brief Review Study


  • Suman Aggarwal Assist Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, SKD Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh Author
  • Vaidya Sandeep Aggarwal Professor and Principal, Department of Kayachikitsa, Vivek College of Ayurvedic Sciences & Hospital, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh Author
  • Shambhu P Patel Assist. Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Vivek College of Ayurvedic Sciences & Hospital, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh Author
  • Sujit Kumar Assist. Professor, Department of Kriya Sharir, Vivek College of Ayurvedic Sciences & Hospital, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh Author



Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa, Spiritual healing, etc


The Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa (divine therapy) is one of the most underappreciated ways of therapy, and  many illnesses are not healed at their source. The success rate of therapy will be improved if a balanced approach  is used that involves all Trividha Chikitsa. Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa (divine therapy) is performed in  numerous parts of the world, consciously or unknowingly, as a part of religious traditions, but it goes beyond  that and emphasizes on Spirituality. As a result, recording of certain traditions that are quickly becoming obsolete, as well as a comprehensive analysis of Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa (divine therapy), are necessary. In  this article, an attempt is made to explore the concept of Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa (divine therapy). 


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How to Cite

Aggarwal, S., Aggarwal, V. S., Patel, S. P., & Kumar, S. (2021). Traditional Chikitsa Upkrama on Daivavyapashraya: A Brief Review Study. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(3), 166-171.