To Evaluate The Role of Tamra Patra on Changing The Quality Of Drinking Water


  • Sanjay Kumar Gupta M.D. Dept. of Samhita Siddhant , Project Manager (Pt. KLS GACI, BHOPAL) Author
  • Pravanjan Acharya Professor & H.O.D. Dept. of Samhita Siddhant, Govt. Ayurved College Rewa (M.P.) Author
  • Arif Khan Goran M.D. Scholar Dept. of Swasthavritta & Yoga , PGDYE Author
  • Neha Bhanot BAMS, PGDYE, CRAV ,Dept. of Kayachikitsa Author



Ayurveda, Tamra Patra, Drinking Water, Copper, Health


From the time immemorial, man has been interested in trying to control disease. Long and healthy life  is the basic need of human being to attain the Dharma (righteousness, moral values), Artha (prosperity,  economic values), Kama (pleasure, love, psychological values) and Moksha (liberation, spiritual  values). i.e. the Chaturvarga. Disease or ill health is the main impediment to achieve this goal. The  need of Ayurveda is to promote and preserve health of the healthy person and to restore health when it  is impaired. According to Ayurveda, these determining factors are Dincharya (daily regimen), Ratricharya (night regimen), Ritucharya (seasonal regimen) And Sadvritta (code of conduct) etc. Safe  water is fundamental to better health, alleviating poverty and community development. The aim of this  study was to look into the facts surrounding the traditional use of Tamra Patra (copper vessel) for  water storage and to assess its function in changing the quality of drinking water. In this study effect  of Copper in purification of drinking water. 


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How to Cite

Gupta, S. K., Acharya, P., Goran, A. K., & Bhanot, N. (2021). To Evaluate The Role of Tamra Patra on Changing The Quality Of Drinking Water. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(4), 68-72.