Dosage Form Of Classical Ayurvedic Formulations With Animal Origin Ingredients For Treatment Of Sexual Dysfunction , Vajikaran By Charak


  • Mazahir Raza Chartered Scientist Technical Director, R&D Centre , AMA Herbal Laboratories (P) Ltd, Lucknow Author



Vajikaran, Aphrodisiac, Semen, Rasayan, Ayurvedic Erectile Dysfunction, Sexual Dysfunction, Sexual Disorder, Vrushya Chikitsa


The aim of this study was to draw the importance of ayurvedic aphrodisiac medicine based on animals  . It is an overview of the use of animal ingredients in classical books of Ayurveda for treatment of  Vajikarna , sexual dysfunction. For several hundred years these formulations are prescribed to  energize, vitalize, and eventually to improve sexual functions. There are several formulations in which  meat of different animals and birds is used as active ingredient. The dosage form of these formulations  are pills, cake, soups, oil and boluses. The importance of ayurvedic aphrodisiac medicine based on  animals cannot be denied but since these formulations not have been methodically tested by  pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical scientists could undertake the research to validate the  claims


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How to Cite

Raza, M. (2021). Dosage Form Of Classical Ayurvedic Formulations With Animal Origin Ingredients For Treatment Of Sexual Dysfunction , Vajikaran By Charak. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(5), 187-192.