A Study On Sthoulya And Its Management By Certain Drugs With The Principle Of Treatment – “Guru Chaatarpanam Chestam”


  • Madhusmita Rani Sethi P.G Scholar, P.G Department of Samhita and Siddhanta Govt. Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Balangir (Odisha) Author
  • Arun Kumar Das Principal, P.G Department of Samhita and Siddhanta Govt. Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Balangir (Odisha) Author
  • Manoj Kumar Sahoo Reader & Head of the P.G Department of Samhita and Siddhanta Govt. Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Balangir (Odisha) Author




Sthoulya, Guru Chaatarpana, Haritaki Pippali Madhu Yoga


In the present era due to the climatic changes and behavioral changes of the human being,  westernization of the food, sedentary lifestyle and also due to lack of exercise and various stress factors  the “Sthoulya” (Obesity) is being common worldwide both in developed and developing countries.  Obesity has negative impact on health & quality of life. Obesity is considered the world’s oldest  metabolic disorder. It is common among those who consume Excessive kapha medo vardhaka Ahara  and Vihara (diet and regimen). Sthoulya (Obesity) is such a disease which provides a platform for so  many hazards like hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, as well as  psychological disorders like stress, anxiety, depression and certain types of cancer. These diseases are  definitely associated with an increased risk of mortality. Looking upon the severity of this disorder the  principle of treatment of Sthoulya advocated by Maharishi Charak i.e. “GURUCHA ATARPANA  CHESTAM”.On the basis of this Principle certain drugs were taken and prepared a compound form  i.e. Haritaki Pippali Madhu Yoga as a remedy for disease Sthoulya. The patients were administered  Haritaki Pippali Churna 5 gm with adequate quantity of Madhu twice daily in empty stomach for a  period of60 days for Group A. For Group B 500mg placebo capsule twice daily in empty stomach for  60 days. During the present clinical study, it was observed that change in body weight and reducing  the sign & symptoms under the trial group patients is significant. Whereas in case of control group  patients, it is not significant. The Haritaki Pippali Madhu Yoga has a significant role in the  management of Sthoulya and justifies the treatment principle “GURU CHAATARPANAM  CHESTAM”. No side effects or with drawl effects were observed. 


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Sri Satya Narayana Sastri, Charak Samhita, Vidyotini Hindi commentary, Edition Reprint_2016, Chapter- 21, Sutra sthan, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, page no.- 436

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Sri Satya Narayana Sastri, Charak Samhita, Vidyotini Hindi commentary, Edition Reprint_2016, Chapter- 21, Sutra sthan, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, page no.- 406.

Sri Satya Narayana Sastri, Charak Samhita, Vidyotini Hindi commentary, Edition Reprint_2016, Chapter- 21, Sutra sthan, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, page no - 407.

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Sri Satya Narayana Sastri, Charak Samhita, Vidyotini Hindi commentary, Edition Reprint_2016, Chapter- 21, Sutra sthan, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, page no. – 414




How to Cite

Sethi, M. R., Das, A. K., & Sahoo, M. K. (2021). A Study On Sthoulya And Its Management By Certain Drugs With The Principle Of Treatment – “Guru Chaatarpanam Chestam”. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(5), 80-91. https://doi.org/10.48165/