A Nidānātmaka (Epidemiological) Study of Kuṣṭha (Skin diseases) among local community of Jaipur


  • Jogender Rao PG Scholar, Dept. of Roga & Vikriti Vigyana, NIA Jaipur. Author
  • Pawan Kumar Godatwar Head of Department, Dept. of Roga & Vikriti Vigyana, NIA Jaipur Author
  • Preeti Gavali Lecturer, Dept. of Roga & Vikriti Vigyana, NIA Jaipur. Author




Āyurveda, Mahākuṣṭha, Kṣudrakuṣṭha, Prakṛti


Āyurveda is an oldest system of medicine practiced ini various parts of India and Indian sub continents.  In today’s era due to lack of physical activity, altered food habits, pollution, chemical exposure,  number of skin disease has increased. In Āyurveda classics skin diseases are described under ones  broad term called kuṣṭha, which is further categorized into two major groups i.e. Mahākuṣṭha and  Kṣudrakuṣṭha. The study aimed to find out the prevalence and nidāna of Kuṣṭha (Skin diseases) in the  local community. A survey study was conducted at NIA O.P.D, I.P.D., Bombaywala hospital, Satellite  hospital, and various camps in Jaipur. For this survey total 200 skin disease patients were taken and  diagnosed as per Āyurvedika perspective and Psoriasis criteria. Observations of the study are presented  in graph 1 to 12 according to various profile. Kuṣṭha mainly affects in middle age group as the busy  schedule and faulty dietary habits might contribute in the pathogenesis of disease. The disease is  chronic in nature and bear strong family history and is affected by mental stress. Vāta-Kapha Prakṛti  is more prone to be affected by the disease and intake of excessive amount of lavaṇa ras may contribute  in the disease formation or aggravation. 


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How to Cite

Rao, J., Godatwar, P. K., & Gavali, P. (2021). A Nidānātmaka (Epidemiological) Study of Kuṣṭha (Skin diseases) among local community of Jaipur. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(7), 9-17. https://doi.org/10.48165/