Role of Khadira Asana Sara Bhavita Triphala Churna in Atisthaulya


  • P Aswathy PG Scholar, Department of Roga Evam Vikriti Vigyan, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan Author
  • Pawan Kumar Godatwar Professor and Head, Department of RogaEvam Vikriti Vigyan, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Author
  • S Aravind Medical Officer, Indian Systems of Medicine, Kerala Author



Atistaulya, Obesity, Staulya, Triphala Churna


Objective: Athisthaulya (Obesity) has been mentioned among Ashtaninditha Purusha, one among the  most hatred persons in the world. An obese man is feeling ashamed of his body size in the public, and  thus Obesity turns to be a serious health concern. In the present-day life style, due to the advanced  technology and busy work schedule, life has become more sedentary and variety of junk foods are  ingested resulting in Atishtaulya. The potential of Ayurveda in tackling non-communicable diseases  such as obesity wants to be explored as it contains an array of formulations. This article is an attempt  to explore the causative factors, pathogenesis, symptomatology, and treatment modalities of  Atisthaulya and to explain the role of Khadira Asana Sara Bhavitha Triphala Churna (Triphala  Churna prepared by triturated with Kwatha of Khadira and Asana) in the management of Athisthaulya.  Data source and Review methods: Data was collected through literature review of Classical  Ayurvedic Literatures such as Charaka Samhita, Susruta Samhita, Astanga Hridaya and journal articles  related to the subject,  Conclusion: Atisthaulya is a disease in which mainly Kapha Dosha and Medas Dushya are involved  which causes Medo-dhatvagnimandya (decreased fat digestion) and Srotas obstruction, ultimately  causing abnormal Medo Dhatu Upacaya and then Staulya. In Khadira Asana Sara Bhavitha Triphala  Churna and Medhoharaguggulu, most of the ingredients have Katu and Tikta Rasa, Ruksha, Laghu and Tikshna guna, Ushna Virya and Katu Vipaka, and Vata-Kaphasamaka property which may be  effective to control Atisthaulya. 


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How to Cite

Aswathy, P., Godatwar, P. K., & Aravind , S. (2021). Role of Khadira Asana Sara Bhavita Triphala Churna in Atisthaulya. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(8), 183-192.