A Randomized Clinical Trial Of Lekhaniya Kashaya Vasti And Lekhaniya Ghan Vati In The Management Of Sthaulya (Obesity).


  • Meera Antiwal Department of Kayachikitsa, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, Banaras Hindu University-5 Author
  • Jai Prakash Singh Department of Panchkarma, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, Banaras Hindu University-5 Author




Lekhaniya Vasti, Lekhaniya Ghan Vati, Metabolic disorder, Pathya, Deepan and Pachan


Background: Obesity is considering the world’s oldest metabolic disorder. It is not a single disease entity  but a syndrome with many causes including mixture of genetic, nutritional and sociological factors. The  World Health Organization considers obesity as “Insidious, creeping pandemic which is now engulfing  the entire world”. There are eight body personality in Ayurveda, Sthaulya is one of them which deserves  special attention. It is result of surfeit, when individual gorges on rich, sweet, cold fatty food, enjoys  sleeping during day, refrains from mental work and suffers from genetic disorder. The patient with  Sthaulya is continually ill and need to be managed. Therefore, diet and life style play a significant role  both in development and control of obesity Sthaulya(obesity). In Ayurveda,Acharyas have mentioned  about the use of Lekhaniya Vasti to manage the Sthaulya. Objective: To compare the efficacy of  LekhaniyaKashayaVasti and Lekhniya GhanVati in patients of Sthaulya. Material and Methods:A total  of 80 patients of Sthaulya were registered. Further they were divided into 2 groups each having 40 patients.  In group I [LekhaniyaKashayaVasti] out of 40 patients 34 and in group II[LekhaniyaGhanVati] out of 40  patients 35 completed the follow up. Result: In Group I, mean change was observed in Body Mass Index  (B.M.I.) [p<0.05]. Waist Hip Ratio (W.H.R.) [p<0.01], weight [p<0.001], Kshudraswas (Breathlessness)  [p<0.001],and Nidraadhikya (Excessive sleep ) [p<0.001] which is statistically significant in comparisons  with group II . 


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How to Cite

Antiwal, M., & Singh, J. P. (2021). A Randomized Clinical Trial Of Lekhaniya Kashaya Vasti And Lekhaniya Ghan Vati In The Management Of Sthaulya (Obesity). International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(8), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.48165/