Physicochemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis of Swarnagairikadi Gutikanjana – An Ayurveda Herbomineral Formulation


  • Mahima Gujral Final Year PG Scholar, Department of Shalakya Tantra, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi-110076 Author
  • Manjusha Rajagopala Professor and Head, Department of Shalakya Tantra, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi-110076 Author



Swarnagairikadi Gutikanjana, Herbomineral formulation, Gutikanjana, Ocular Ayurveda formulation


Eye is the most essential sense organ mentioned in Ayurveda. For the prophylactic as well as therapeutic  purposes so many formulations are mentioned in Susruta Samhita for the eye and its disorders. One such  formulation is Swarnagairikadi Gutikanjana. The preparatory procedure of such formulations needs  authentication and standardization. Here modern day tools are applied for the pharmacognostical and  pharmaceutical analysis which is necessary for scientific justification. The detailed analytical study helps  in knowing the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the formulation. The quality, efficacy, purity,  and strength of the drug are also evaluated with the classical references of Rasashashtra. The analytical  techniques of Rasashashtra as well as todays sophisticated qualitative and quantitative parameters are  used in the processing of this formulation. The drug procurement, methodology of preparation and various  parameters have been described in detailed manner with an objective of its reproducibility. 


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How to Cite

Gujral, M., & Rajagopala, M. (2021). Physicochemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis of Swarnagairikadi Gutikanjana – An Ayurveda Herbomineral Formulation. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(9), 114-125.