A Comparative Clinical Study To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Kasisa Churna And Puga Churna Avachurnana In Vrana


  • Babitha Rao A PG Scholar Dept of Shalya tantra KVGAMCH Author
  • Harsha vardhana Professor & HOD, Dept of Shalya tantra, KVGAMCH Author




Vrana, Wound, Avachurnana, Kasisa, Puga, Brinraja, Churna, Shodhana, Ropana, Upakrama


Healthy healing of Vrana is most important part of surgery it can be Nija (endogenous) and Agantu – (exogenous) or Shastrakrit; it’s not merely deals with good closure of wound but also maintain its  anatomical and functional integrity with minimal scar formation without complications . Avachurnana  used in superficial/ Deep and foul-smelling ulcers covered with layers of deranged fat. Shodhana (purification) and Ropana (healing) being safer, easy, potent and economic procedure useful to establish  even Vaikrutapaham (to restore normalcy to scar). Kasisa is Shothahara (anti inflammatory), Rujahara,  (analgesic) Krumihara (wormicidal) , Sankochakaraka etc, ingredient in Vrana Chikitsa kalpa’s - vrana  Ropana churna, Vrana Shodhana Sutra/Varti, Roma Sanjana yoga etc. Patient belongs to whichever  geographical area, the medicine grown in same region is hita; Puga, locally cultivated, available  worldwide, economic, ingredient in various vrana yoga’s - Ghontaphaladi Varti; Pugadi yoga, Pugadi  lepa, mocha-Pugadi ksheera etc; it possesses Kashaya rasa which aids vrana Ropana; Kledahara,  Malahara, Rusha – Sankochakaraka, Shotahara, raktasthambana etc. Brinraja Bhavita Kasisa Churna  and Puga Churna avachurnana (Topical Medicated Dusting) in Randomized comparative clinical study  with Group A overall result is 94.21% and Group B overall result is 91.10% which shows statically  significant results in both groups. Comparative analysis of the overall effect of the treatments in both the  groups with unpaired t-test shows that the treatment is not significant in Group A. No Incidences of  complications like infection, aggravation of Lakshana, recurrence or any other adverse effects were found  during the study 


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How to Cite

Rao A, B., & vardhana, H. (2021). A Comparative Clinical Study To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Kasisa Churna And Puga Churna Avachurnana In Vrana . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(10), 11-23. https://doi.org/10.48165/