A Controlled Comparative Clinical Study on Navaka Kashaya and Khadira Aristadi Kashaya in the Management of Vicharchika


  • Lavanya B C M.D Scholar Department Of Post Graduate Studies In Kayachikitsa Dhanvantari Ayurveda College, Hospital& PG Research Centre Siddapur (Uttara Kannadadistrict) Karnataka Author
  • Roopa Bhat Professor And Hod Department Of Post Graduate Studies In Kayachikitsa Dhanvantari Ayurveda College, Hospital& PG Research Centre Siddapur (Uttara Kannadadistrict) Karnataka Author




Vicharchika, Khadira aristadi Kashaya, Dermatitis


A comparative clinical study to evaluate the therapeutic effect of Khadira  aristadi Kashaya and Navaka Kashaya in the management of Vicharchika. A  single blind Controlled comparative clinical study with pre test and post test  design. Conducted in Dhanvantari Ayurveda medical college Hospital;  Siddapur, Karnataka.40 patients suffering from Vicharchika / Dermatitis of  either sex were selected for the study. Selected patients were treated under two  groups; A and B. Group A with oral administration of Khadira aristadi  Kashaya, in a dose of 30 ml before food twice a day with sukhoshna jala as  anupana and the same is continued for 30 days. Group B with oral  administration of Navaka Kashaya, in a dose of 30 ml before food twice a day  with sukhoshna jala as anupana for 30 days .The response following the  intervention was assessed on 1st, 15th, 21st, and 30th days to find out the progress  of the Condition in both the groups. Further the change observed by the  completion of the treatment was subjected to paired and unpaired t test to know  the statistical significance. By using paired t test both the group parameters  were statistically highly significant (P<0.001).Mean wise group A shows more  improvement than group B. By Using unpaired t test: group A is showing  more relief (%) in Pidaka, Kandu, Shyavata and Srava also statistically proved.  In Kandu relief was statistically highly significant (P<0.001) and Pidaka and  Srava statically significant (P<0.005) in these parameters. Final conclusion of  this comparative clinical study is Group A is more effective than Group B  (Khadira aristadi Kashaya is more effective than Navaka Kashaya) in the  management of Vicharchika


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How to Cite

B C, L., & Bhat, R. (2021). A Controlled Comparative Clinical Study on Navaka Kashaya and Khadira Aristadi Kashaya in the Management of Vicharchika . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(11), 53-64. https://doi.org/10.48165/