A Clinical Study to Assess the Efficacy of Agastimodaka in the Management of Abhyantara Arsha w.s.r. to 1st and 2nd Degree Internal Haemorrhoids.


  • Monika Sharma Assistant Professor, Shalyatantra Department, Kunwar Shekhar Vijendra Aurvedic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Gangoh, U.P Author




Agastimodaka, Rakta srava, Malabandhta, Mamsa Ankura, Bheshjaya Chikitsa


ARSHA, one of the Ashta-Mahagadas appears at the Guda region, which is  a kind of Sadhyapranahar Marma. In Humans, the erect posture results in  very high pressure on the valve less rectal venous plexus which makes them  prone to this disease. It is a problem related to old age, sedentary lifestyle &  dietary factors.Vega Vidharan, ati ushna-tikshana and mamsa ahara leads  to Vitiation of Apana vayu, that primarily causes Agni Mandata & Mala  avashtamba in the affected individulas. The fourfold treatment protocol  given in Ayurvedic context gives more emphasis to start with a  Conservative Management -BHESHAJAYA KARMA in Arsha. The present  case study includes 45 patients diagnosed with Abhyantra Arsha with chief  complaints as Per Rectal Bleeding (Raktasrava), Constipation (Mala  bandhta) and Pile Mass (Arsha ankura). An attempt is made to prepare an  easily accessible, standard & cost effective palliative mode in terms of  AGASTIMODAKA to treat the cases of 1st & 2nd Degree Internal  Haemorrhoid. All the ingredients of Agastimodaka are Katu, Tikta, Kashaya  Rasatmaka, Madhura Vipaki. It presents as a good Aam Pachaka, shool  prashamaka, mala shodhaka and rakta stambhaka. Owing to its Deepana Pachana property, it regulates Agni which improves the digestion and  relieves constipation by lowering the pressure on anal varices. A significant  relief was observed in all the three study included parameters. Bheshajya  Karma has no fear of complications like infection, gangrene and bleeding  in comparison to the Allopathic Surgical procedures. 


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How to Cite

Sharma, M. (2021). A Clinical Study to Assess the Efficacy of Agastimodaka in the Management of Abhyantara Arsha w.s.r. to 1st and 2nd Degree Internal Haemorrhoids . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(11), 01-12. https://doi.org/10.48165/