Importance of Pathya Chakshushya Dravya in Netravikara


  • Mohandudwe PG Scholar, Dept. of P.G studies in Shalakya Tantra, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College Bengaluru Author
  • Anand Katti Associate Professor &Head, Dept. of Samhita Siddhanta Govt. Ayurveda Medical College Bengaluru Author



Chakshushya dravya, Ashruvaha srotas, Ashruvahasroto vikara, Netrya Dravya


Eye is considered as one of the prime sensory organs and is a vital necessity to  take care of them by all means. All the Acharya of Ayurveda have mentioned  various measures for maintaining the eye in healthy way which includes usage of  diet and medicine judicially. There are many topics in ayurveda classics about  which we have limited knowledge like Chakshushya dravyas. There are various  Chakshushya dravyas are described in Ayurvedic literature both in Bruhatrayi and Laghutrayi. Bhavprakash Nighantu is one among these Samhitas of  laghutrayi. This deals with Dravyaguna. The reason behind choosing  Bhavprakash Nighantu for the study is its karmapradhanya. Two types of  chakshushya dravyas are described in this Nighantu, one is Chakshu hitakaraka  i.e., beneficial for eyes and other is Chakshu rogahara i.e used for treating eye  disorders. How these Chakshushyadravyas are doing their work on  Chakshurindriys is not mentioned by any author. Here in present article, an  attempt for critical analysis on Chakshushyadravyas and their line of action on  the basis of Rasapanchaka is made. 


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How to Cite

Mohandudwe, & Katti, A. (2022). Importance of Pathya Chakshushya Dravya in Netravikara. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(1), 156-161.