A Critical Analysis on A Multipotent Drug Chandraprabha Vati - Review Article


  • Preetimayee Sahoo Assistant professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Shri Babu Singh Jay Singh Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Farrukhabad, UP. Author
  • Nihar Ranjan Mahanta Assistant professor, Department of Panchakarma, Shri Babu Singh Jay Singh Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Farrukhabad, UP. Author




ChandraprabhaVati, rasapanchaka analysis, clinical


ChandraprabhaVati is a very commonly used herbo-mineral preparation in day to-day practice being efficient in various disorders mostly genitor-urinary ones.  Chandraprabha Vati is available in various ayurvedic texts with different  preparations and different ingredients. The preparation, described by Sarangdhar  Samhita and accepted by AFI, is being taken for a critical review of its properties,  actions and its clinical efficacies in different diseases. It is made up of 37  ingredients with Shilajit and Guggulu present in maximum quantity 32 parts  each. It is katu (73.38%) tikta (69.78%) in rasa, laghu (76.98%) ruksha (74.10%)  in guna, ushna virya (70.50%), katu vipaka (69.06%) and tridosha shamak 

predominantly Vatakapha shamak (91.37% and 84.89% respectively). This  preparation is indicated in Prameha, Mutravahasrotaja vyadhi, Anaha, Shoola,  Shwasa, Kasa, Shukradosha, Pandu, Kamala, GudagataVyadhi, Netraroga,  Dantaroga, Kushtha and various other diseases as mentioned in different texts.  Clinical studies have also proved its efficacy in various diseases. It is anti 

diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour, renal protective, hepato-protective,  effective in jaundice and genitor-urinary diseases like UTI, dysmenorrhoea,  PCOD, female infertility, etc. and many diseases are still left to be explored.  Chandraprabha Vati is a multifaced drug and can be used in a variety of ailments  successfully. 


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How to Cite

Sahoo, P., & Mahanta, N. R. (2022). A Critical Analysis on A Multipotent Drug Chandraprabha Vati - Review Article . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(1), 105-117. https://doi.org/10.48165/