A Study on the Role of Asraya-Asrayee Bhava Sambandha in the Genesis of Sandhivata w.s.r Shleshaka Kapha


  • Amardeep Kour Specialist NAM, Govt. Ayurvedic Hospital, Jammu Author
  • Lotika Bharti Medical officer ,Govt. Ayurvedic Hospital , Jammu Author




Asraya –Asrayee bhava, Sandhivata, Shleshaka kapha


Asraya –Asrayee bhava sambandha means relation between Asraya (seat) and  Asrayee (seated). In my survey study Asthi Sandhi is the Asraya i.e. seat and Vata  and Kapha are Asrayee i.e. seated. Sandhivata occurs when Shleshaka Kapha decreases and Vata increases and hence gets seated in Sandhi. In my survey study  I have found that due to various reasons and due to ageing there is an increase in  Vata accompanied by a decrease in Shleshaka Kapha. In the survey conducted  on 60 patients 51 were having Rukshta, 27 were having Antardaha, 56 were  having Sleshmashayashuna, 57 were having Sandhishaithilya, 10 were having  Bhrama, 14 were having Hridadrava and 36 were having Daurbalya. This shows  there was Kapha Kshaya in all the patients of Sandhivata. Vakparushya is seen  in 18 patients., Karshya is seen in 19 patients, Karshnya is seen in 12 patients,  Gatrasphurana is seen in 34 patients, Ushnakamita is seen in 40 patients.,  Nidranasha is seen in 19 patients, Alpabala is seen in 40 patients, Gadavarcha is seen in 15 patients, Anaha is seen in 12 patients, Indriyabhramsha is seen in  14 patients, Pralapa is seen in 5 patients, Dinata is seen in 8 patients and Bhrama is seen in 15 patients. This shows that there is Vata dosha prakopa in Sandhivata.  Sandhivata occurs when Vata vitiates and gets seated in Sandhi where Shleshaka  Kapha is also present. And vitiated Vata will cause decrease of Shleshaka Kapha. Because both the Dosha‟s is having opposite Gunas. And Vridhi of one Dosha  will leads to Kshaya of another Dosha resulting in the diseased state called  Sandhivata). In this research article describe the role of asraya-asrayee bhava  sambandha in the genesis of sandhivata w.s.r shleshaka kapha. 


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How to Cite

Kour, A., & Bharti, L. (2022). A Study on the Role of Asraya-Asrayee Bhava Sambandha in the Genesis of Sandhivata w.s.r Shleshaka Kapha . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(1), 70-78. https://doi.org/10.48165/