"Sarvada Sarvabhavanam Samanyam Vriddhikaranam’’ for the Corroboration of the Theory, the Medical Study of Shukrajanan Mahakashaya and Shukrashodhan Mahakashaya in Ksheenashukra (Oligospermia)


  • Dholaram Saini Associate professor, Samhita & Siddhant Vibhag, SSSB Ayurved College & Hospital. Renwal, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Author
  • Baldev Kumar Dhiman Vice Chancellor, Shri Krishna Ayush University Kurukshetra, Haryana, India Author




Shukrajanan, Mahakshaya, Dhatu


Man in the modern era is fastened by many physical and mental ailments.  Ksheenashukra is one of the diseases caused by vitiated Vata and Pitta. The  present study deals with sample size of 20 patients who presented with  Ksheenashukra symptoms in two groups each for 2 months. Group -A were given  Shukrajanan Mahakashaya and Group B were given Shukrashodhan  Mahakashaya. The herbs which were not available were substituted by  representative herbs. The medicines given were in form of decoction; dose 20 ml  BD for two months. According to the basic principles of Ayurveda that is  principle of Samanya (similar identities) the properties identical to those of  Shukra Dhatu will help it to increase in the body. At the end of the trial the  comparative study of both the groups was comprehended in form of results. In  case of quantitative ( sperm count, PH, volume of semen) analysis Group-A  showed better results. In case of qualitative analysis (motility of sperms) Group B was found better than Group-A. With respect to subjective parameters Group A Showed better results than Group- B. 


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Acharya YT, Charaksamhita, Srichakrapanidatta Virachita Ayurvedadipika Editing by Acharya Trivikramathagen Yadvasharmana, Sutrasthan 1/4, Publisher-Chaukhambha Surabharati Publications, Varanasi, 2013.pp.103

Acharya YT, Charaksamhita, Srichakrapanidatta Virachita Ayurvedadipika Editing by Acharya Trivikramathagen Yadvasharmana, Chikitsasthan 15/16 Publisher-Chaukhambha Surabharati Publications, Varanasi, 2013.pp.54

Sharma S, Vriddhvagbhata, Ashtangasangraha, Indu Virachita Shashilekha Interpretation: Ashtangasangrahasutra 19/14 Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 2012.pp.154

Sharma S, Shardgadhar Samhita section 2/2 Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 2012.pp.65




How to Cite

Saini, D., & Dhiman, B. K. (2022). "Sarvada Sarvabhavanam Samanyam Vriddhikaranam’’ for the Corroboration of the Theory, the Medical Study of Shukrajanan Mahakashaya and Shukrashodhan Mahakashaya in Ksheenashukra (Oligospermia) . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(1), 38-44. https://doi.org/10.48165/