An Exploratory Study of Clinical Efficacy of “Shwasahar Dashemani” in Shwas Roga


  • Savan Kumar Assistant Professor, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, Ishan Ayurvedic Medical College & Research Centre, UP. Author
  • Dipti Ayurvedic Medical Officer, Bajana, Mathura, Govt of UP. Author



Shwasahar Mahakasaya, Shwash Chikitsa, Active Principles, Rasapanchaka, vata-kapha hara dashemani


Shwasa is considered as the most serious disease in Ayurveda and stated that none  other disease kills as instantaneously as Shwasa. A high prevalence of respiratory  disorders was observed in Delhi, 30.5 % people are affected the respiratory  ailments. Shwasahar Mahakasaya is one of the significant Ayurveda group of  medicine which helps in improving Respiratory diseases. Study is to drill down the  possible effect of Shwasahar Mahakasaya based on distribution of active  principles explained in Ayurveda classical text. Percentage criteria is being  analysed to get the clarity about the reason behind desired output. Rasa, Guna,  Virya and Vipaka these attributes are analyzed based on their component  distribution. Distribution of dominating attributes among 10 Plants indicated in  Shwashhar Mahakasaya are Katu Tikta Rasa, Laghu Guna, Ushna Virya and Katu  Vipaka. Results found out of the study is 31.82 % Katu Rasa, 36.36 Tikta Rasa,  43.48% Laghu Guna, 60.00% Ushna Virya and 60.00% Katu Vipaka. Ushna Virya of the drugs is responsible to alleviate Vata and the remaining other factors Laghu  Guna, Katu Tikta Rasa and Katu Vipaka along with Ushna Virya is responsible to  alleviate Kapha. Equal potency in Rasapanchaka will produce final result in  sequential manner where each aspect lined up with basic effects of Rasa. That is  the best possible reason to get the great outcome through Shwashar dashemani


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How to Cite

Kumar, S., & Dipti. (2022). An Exploratory Study of Clinical Efficacy of “Shwasahar Dashemani” in Shwas Roga . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(1), 09-16.