To Evaluate Clinical Efficacy of Ashtang Lavan Churn in Alcohol Addiction.


  • Sandeep Charak MD Agadtantra, Medical Officer Department of AYUSH, J&K Author
  • Dharminder Kumar Sharma MD Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Medical Officer Ayush, J&K Govt Author
  • Monika Sharma MD Agadtantra, Medical Officer Department of AYUSH, Rajasthan Author



Alcohol, Madatya (Alcoholism), Ashtang lavan


Background-Alcoholism is a growing public health and socioeconomic problem  around the world. Around 20% of the alcohol drank is absorbed by the stomach.  The remaining 80% is mostly absorbed by the small intestine. The circulatory  system also delivers alcohol to the liver, which uses a process known as  "metabolizing" to remove it from the bloodstream by converting it to a harmless  molecule. Because the liver can only digest a certain amount at a time, the rest  circulates throughout the body.  

Aim- To assess the clinical efficacy of Ashtang Lavan in Alcohol addiction and  withdrawal symptoms.  

Materials and Methods- The clinical efficacy of Ashtang Lavan in the treatment  of alcohol addiction and withdrawal symptoms was evaluated using a  randomized single blind technique. Ashtang Lavan was administered to one  group to help with hepatotoxicity and withdrawal symptoms such as  sleeplessness, anxiety, and agitation. Before and after therapy, the Clinical  Institute Withdrawal Assessment- Alcohol revised (CIWA-Ar) scale was used to  examine the clinical symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Clinical manifestations of  alcohol withdrawals recorded between 5 and 10 hours after ceasing to drink were  used as a baseline for before therapy, while clinical manifestations of withdrawals  after 1 month were used as a baseline for after treatment.  

Result- There were 26.66 percent of patients in one group who reported excellent  alleviation.  

Conclusion- Throughout the clinical trial, 36.00 percent of patients in one group  were found to be de-addicted. 


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How to Cite

Charak, S., Sharma, D. K., & Sharma , M. (2022). To Evaluate Clinical Efficacy of Ashtang Lavan Churn in Alcohol Addiction . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(1), 17-25.