A Clinical Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Nirgundi Patra Pinda Sweda with and without Matra Basti in the Management of Janu Sandhigat Vata w.s.r. to Osteoarthritis of Knee


  • Alpa R Nakum Assistant Professor, Department of Panchakarma, Eva Ayurvedic College, Supedi, Gujarat Author
  • Akanksha Sharma Ayurvedic Medical Officer (M.D Panchakarma) at Department of Ayush Govt. of J&K. Author
  • Sweety Ruparel Principal and HOD Department of Panchakarma, State Model College of Ayurveda, Kolavada, Gandhinagar, Gujrat. Author
  • Ram Shukla Assistant Professor , Department of Panchkarma, Govt. Akhandanand Ayurved College, Ahmedabad, Gujrat. Author




Sandhigata Vata, Osteoarthritis, Matra Basti, Ashwagandhadi Taila, Nirgundi Patra Pinda sweda


In Vridhdhavastha, Vata Dosha is in a dominant state and Rasadi Dhatus are in  a deprived state. This potent combination is responsible for the aged being  vulnerable to many diseases. Among them, Sandhigata Vata, which is equated to  Osteoarthritis, stands top in the list of geriatric diseases. In current study efforts  have been made to evaluate & compare the effect of Nirgundi Patra Pinda Sweda with and without Matra Basti on Janu Sandhigata Vata. 

Aims and objectives: To evaluate & compare the effect of Nirgundi  Patra Pinda sweda with and without Matra Basti in the management of  Janu Sandhigat Vata w.s.r to Osteo-arthritis. 

Materials and Methods: 30 Patients of Janu Sandhigata Vata were selected  according to the classical signs and symptoms of Sandhigata Vata according to  Ayurveda as well as Modern science, were randomly divided into 2 groups from  the Govt. Akhandanand Ayurved Hospital, Ahmedabad. In group A 15 patients  were treated with Nirgundi Patra Pinda Sweda And Matra Basti with  Ashwagandhadi Taila and in group B 15 patients were treated with only Nirgundi  Patra Pinda Sweda. 

Result 20.00% patients got marked improvement and 80.00% got moderate  improvement in group A and in group B 33.33% patients got moderate  improvement and 66.67% showed mild improvement. Nirgundi Patra Pinda  Sweda and Matra Basti with Ashwagandhadi Tail provided better result as  compare to only Nirgundi Patra Pinda Sweda on management of Janu  Sandhigata Vata. 


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How to Cite

Nakum, A. R., Sharma, A., Ruparel, S., & Shukla, R. (2022). A Clinical Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Nirgundi Patra Pinda Sweda with and without Matra Basti in the Management of Janu Sandhigat Vata w.s.r. to Osteoarthritis of Knee . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(1), 01-08. https://doi.org/10.48165/