Role of Samagni and Kalbhojan in Deerghjeevanam- A Survey Study.


  • Heena Kausar PG Scholar, MMM govt. Ayurveda college, Udaipur Author
  • Nisha Yadav PG Scholar , MMM govt. Ayurveda college, Udaipur Author
  • Mahesh Dixit Professor, MMM govt. Ayurveda college, Udaipur Author
  • Diksha Khathuria Lecturer , MMM govt. Ayurveda college, Udaipur Author



Tridosha, longevity of life, kalbhuk, Samagni.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not  merely an absence of disease or infirmity. Each and every person wants disease  free life but unfortunately, we suffered from some sort of disease or discomfort  amongst which lifestyle disorders are prominent one due to increasing sedentary  life style and unhealthy eating habits. The qualities of healthy individual are  narrated in Ayurveda as equilibrium of all three Doshas; Normal state of  Jatharaagni, normal state and function of Dhathus (Tissues); Normal state and  function of Malas; Pleasant soul, mind and sense objects. In present survey  study 1500 people with age group 60 yrs or more were enrolled and association  of longevity of life with healthy eating habits was assessed on questionaries'  basis which has reference in text for longevity. This survey study was conducted  in Madan Mohan Malviya Govt. Ayurveda college Udaipur, Rajasthan. In the  presence study different parameters were considered amongst which  kaalbhuksevan and role of samagni in longevity of life is assessed here. Results  found on statical basis that those people with state of samagni and habit of  kalbhuk were found with age 60 or more without any associated complicating  life style disorder. Which indicates positive results in association of samagni and kalbhuk with longevity of life as given in Ayurveda classics. 


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Tripathi B, Charak Samhita Chikitsasthana 15/4 Chaukambha Subharti Publication Varanasi; 2008.Pp.550

Tripathi B Charak Samhita Sutra Sthana25/40 Chaukambha Subharti Publication Varanasi 2009.Pp.454




How to Cite

Kausar, H., Yadav, N., Dixit, M., & Khathuria, D. (2022). Role of Samagni and Kalbhojan in Deerghjeevanam- A Survey Study . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(2), 188-191.