Effect of Udvartan to Promote the Beauty w.s.r. to Skin-A Review


  • Namita Patel Assistant Professor, Dept Of Swasthvritta And Yoga, Mahaveer College Of Ayurvedic Science Rajnandgaon Chhattisgarh Author
  • Kamlesh Kumar Sharma Prof.& Ex-H.O.D, Dept Of Swasthvritta And Yoga ,NIA Jaipur, Rajasthan Author




Udvartan, beauty, skin


The skin means to help, including protection, excretion, expression, appearance,  regulation, and sensation, among others. It also plays an important role in the  recording of history. It is treated as a specialty in modern medicine. Ayurveda  must recognise the necessity of the hour to identify not only skin ailments  caused by modern lifestyles, but also other ailments. Happiness, melancholy,  grief, and relaxation, according to Ayurveda, are elements that are expressed by  the face and body and cannot be hidden with cosmetics. Ayurveda, in other  words, puts a focus on both visible and internal attractiveness. Ayurveda  believes that by knowing and practicing the basic principles of Ayurveda, one  can improve one's interior beauty. In Ayurveda, there is a secret beauty or the  third dimension of beauty, which is also known as "self-realization." A self realized individual is thought to be perpetually attractive and does not require  the usage of external cosmetics or expensive clothing. The therapies,  treatments, and suggestions in Ayurveda, on the other hand, are concerned with  physical beauty, which is thought to be the way to the secret of beauty. In  Ayurveda, health promotion, beauty management, and healing are based on  removing Ama (toxins), restoring cellular nutrition, promoting full elimination,  and restoring Dosha balance. In this article, Basics about quality of skin &  factors responsible for it including Prakruti; its maintenance with Udvartana


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How to Cite

Patel, N., & Sharma, K. K. (2022). Effect of Udvartan to Promote the Beauty w.s.r. to Skin-A Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(2), 175-178. https://doi.org/10.48165/