An Exploratory Review of Kushthaghna Mahakashaya in Skin Disorders w.s.r. to Visha


  • Narsingh Patel Ayurvedic Medical Officer, Primary Health Centre Chhapora Distt. Raigarh Chhattisgarh. Author
  • Anita Sharma Prof.& H.O.D, P.G Department of Agada Tantra, National institute of Ayurveda, Deemed to be University (De-novo), Jaipur Author
  • Amol Sudhakar Kadu Assistant Professor, P.G Department of Agada Tantra, , National institute of Ayurveda, Deemed to be University (De-novo), Jaipur Author



Visha, Kushthaghna Mahakashaya, skin


Background: The Ayurveda treatises are collection of vast knowledge  regarding medical and environmental aspects. It has a separate branch called  Agada Tantra which deals with the toxicological aspects. We aim to evaluate  this knowledge regarding dermatological manifestation due to Visha (toxins)  vis-à-vis contemporary knowledge. 

Objective: The objective of this study is to analyze the rationality and  applicability of Kushthaghna Mahakashaya in the prevention and management  of skin disorders caused by various type of poisons.  

Data Source: The references available in classical texts, various Nighantu and  research articles regarding the various forms of poisons and their  dermatological manifestations were analyzed and compared to the knowledge  available in contemporary medical literatures. 

Review methods: A sincere study of classical Ayurveda text-books and their  available commentaries along with modern texts, websites and articles has been  done to explore the importance of Kushthaghna Mahakashaya in various skin  diseases. 

Result and conclusion: The herbs mentioned in the Kushthaghna  Mahakashaya were scientifically evaluated in various preclinical and clinical  studies and showed antiviral, immune-modulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti oxidant, anti-cancerous, cardio-protective, neuroprotective, anti- fungal, and  anti- bacterial activity, according to the results of the literature quest. The proper  application of Kushthaghna Mahakashaya plants will aid in the prevention and  treatment of skin diseases. 


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How to Cite

Patel, N., Sharma, A., & Kadu, A. S. (2022). An Exploratory Review of Kushthaghna Mahakashaya in Skin Disorders w.s.r. to Visha . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(2), 118-123.