A Clinical Case Report of Virechana Karma and Tuvaraka Rasayana in Ekakushta w.s.r Psoriasis


  • Basanaik D Rudranaikar Associate Professor, Department of Panchakarma, S.N.V.V’s S.G.V Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital and Research center , Bailhongal. Author
  • Subhas V Bagad Principal and HOD, Department of Dravyaguna,, S.N.V.V’s S.G.V Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital and Research center , Bailhongal. Author




Ekakushta, Tuvaraka Rasayana, Virechana


The skin is the boundary between human being and the world surrounding him.  This is an important sense organ, the largest organ, and plays a major role in  controlling the heat and water loss. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which  scaling and itching in the papulo squamous lesion of skin disturbs the daily  routine of the patients. Because of its recurrent nature the disease has remained  a great problem. There is no certain cure for this disease. Modern medicine  provides symptomatic relief but also has side effects in long course. The  ayurvedic diagnosis is considered as Ekakushta (Psoriasis) which is Vata Kapha predominant. This is best treated with panchakarma procedures, as the principle  of treatment of all types of Kushta is Samshodhana (Purification) along with  Samshamana (Pacification) drugs. Hence here an attempt made to analyse best  treatment for psoriasis in ayurveda with well documented results. The present  case shown significant result. 


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Acharya YT, Charaka Samhita, Revised By Charaka & Dridabala, With Ayurveda Dipika Commentary By Chakrapanidatta, 5th Edition. Varanasi; Choukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; 2001. Pp.738.

Acharya YT, Charaka Samhita, Revised By Charaka & Dridabala, With Ayurveda Dipika Commentary By Chakrapanidatta, 5th Edition. Varanasi; Choukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; 2001.Pp.122.

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How to Cite

Rudranaikar, B. D., & Bagad, S. V. (2022). A Clinical Case Report of Virechana Karma and Tuvaraka Rasayana in Ekakushta w.s.r Psoriasis . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(2), 53-57. https://doi.org/10.48165/