Assessment of Raktasarata: Conversion of Theory into Practical Approach


  • Priyanka Bhawsar Assistant Professor. Department of Kriya Sharir, Smt. K.G. Mittal P. Ayurveda College, Mumbai-400004, India. Author
  • Amit R Nampalliwar Reader & HOD, Department of Roganidan & Vikriti Vigyan, Government Ayurveda College & Hospital, Bilaspur (C.G.)-495001, India. Author



Raktasarata, Pravarasara, Madhyamsara, Asara, Dhatu


Raktasarata is assessed with the reference from ancient Ayurvedic books like  Charaka, Sushrutaand Vaghbhata. Detailed proforma of raktasara is prepared.  Characters of raktasarata described by Charaka and Sushruta have taken into  consideration. The terms Sukha, Medha, Manaswita, Uddhata, AnatibalamUshnasahishnutvam are tried to explain and proforma is prepared to rule out  these mental characters. Characters of Raktasara person described by Charaka and Sushruta belong to Raktapravarasara persons. Characteristics of  Raktamadhyamsara And Raktaasara are not described in texts. If the characters  of sara are absent then dhatu is said to be Asara while some characters of  Raktasara are observed in Raktamadhyamsara persons. In ancient days, due to  unavailability of devices, study of dhatu was done by examining external  structures of body. 


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How to Cite

Bhawsar, P., & Nampalliwar, A. R. (2024). Assessment of Raktasarata: Conversion of Theory into Practical Approach . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(3), 78-82.