A Multicenter Retrospective Observational Study to Correlate SharirGuna Computed Through Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis) UsingElectronic Nadi (Pulse)Recording Device Nadi Tarangini with Trends andChanges in Rutus (Seasons) for a Span of One Year in North-Western Zoneof India.


  • Tejaswini S Bhale Ayurvedic Physician (B.A.M.S., P.G.P.P., M.B.A.( University of Pune) Author
  • Aniruddha Joshi Ph.D. Indian Institute of Technology . (IIT Bombay) Author
  • Shruti Kulkarni Clinical Nutritionist Author




Nadi pariksha, Nidan, Sharir guna, Gurvadi guna, Rutucharya, Nadi Tarangini


Background: The theory of Rutucharya (seasonal regimen) is described in Ayurveda by  Acharyas ( Ancient sages) according to the climatic changes (seasonal changes), its effect  on Agni ( Digestive fire), Bala ( Strength), Tridosha ( Vata, Pitta, Kapha) i.e. 3 humors.  Guna (Sharir Guna, properties) and finally on Body and Mind.  Objectives: In a multi-centric retrospective observational study, we “empirically” studied  the correlations between and validating the same with some of the sharir guna which  reflects in nadi, for different Prakruti (body constitution) with rutus (seasons) as per  ayurveda text described to prediction and diagnose signs and symptoms of the diseases. Materials and methods: We used Nadi Tarangini (a commercial wrist nadi recording  system) to record nadi of 15,391 subjects across the north-west part of India throughout a  span of one year. We further computed five pairs of guna (qualities) namely Guru - Laghu (Heavy- Light), Snigdha - Ruksha (Unctuous- Dryness), Manda- Tikshna (Blunt-Sharp),  Sukshma- Sthula (Subtle-Bulky) and Mrudu - Kathina.(Soft-Hard) Results: For 15,391 subjects, we found significant correlation of the Guna flow throughout  the span of 1 year captured using Nadi Tarangini, matching with the ancient texts such as, laghu guna increases from Varsha rutu, ruksha guna is high in Greeshma rutu and tikshna  guna increases in Sharad rutu, correlating well with the electronic Nadi Tarangini findings.  Conclusion: We emphasized the data-based evidence, for the first time and importance of  sharir guna in Rutucharya and nidan of dosha avastha and vyadhi (signs and symptoms of  diseases) through Nadi pariksha. It will be helpful to avoid lifestyle-oriented disorders and  better diagnosis through nadi pariksha and also can be validated and used for the purpose  of research among the common populations.


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A. Joshi, Nadi Tarangini: a pulse based diagnostic system. In 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, pages 2207-2210, 2007

Joshi A Acquisition and Quantitative Analysis of the Arterial Pulse. Ph.D Thesis

https://dspace.ncl.res.in/xmlui/bitstream/handle/20.500.12 252/3794/TH1863.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed

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How to Cite

Bhale, T. S., Joshi, A., & Kulkarni, S. (2024). A Multicenter Retrospective Observational Study to Correlate SharirGuna Computed Through Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis) UsingElectronic Nadi (Pulse)Recording Device Nadi Tarangini with Trends andChanges in Rutus (Seasons) for a Span of One Year in North-Western Zoneof India. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(3), 15-27. https://doi.org/10.48165/