A Conceptual Study on Ardhavabhedak w.s.r Migraine
Migraine, Ardhavabhedak, headacheAbstract
Migraine is a form of primary headache, manifested by the recurrent attacks of pulsating headache, mostly associated with nausea, vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia with or without an aura. It is the second most common cause of headache disorder affecting about 12%. In this females are most prone 15% and males are affecting about 6%. On the basis of the symptoms of Migraine can be correlated with Ardhavabhedak,. Ardhavabhedak is one such disease which is increasing day by day due to lifestyle we are following because of which mental stress is also increasing. It has been described among the Shirorogas by Acharyas, in which there is severe pain in half of the head i.e. Manya, Shankha, Akshi, Karna, Bhru, Lalaata and Arani. Pain is similar to those produced by sharp objects like Shastra and Arani. The occupancy of pain is episodic that may vary from person to person. According to some Acharyas it could lead to deafness and blindness.
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