Mustak (Cyperus Rotundus Linn.) is a Good Remedy Against ‘Atisar’ (Diarrhoea): An Ayurvedic Literary Review


  • Rupa Mukhopadhyay Professor & HOD, Department Of Swasthavritta, Belley Shankarpur Rajib Gandhi Memorial Ayurvedic Colledge & Hospital, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India. Author
  • P B Karmahapatra MD(AYU), Ph.D(CU), Associate Professor, Department of Kayachikitsha. Institute of post Graduate Ayurvedic Education and Research at S.V.S.P, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Author



Mustak’ Atisar, Antidiarrhoeal / Antiameobic


In Ayurveda, Atisar, has been defined as a condition where constant oozing out (Ati and sarana) of the liquid fecal matter from the anus. This condition  is more or less similar to the sense of diarrhoea in western view. There are  several anti-amoebic an anti diarrhoeal drugs are frequently used by the  allopathic physicians for prevention and control of the diseases. But those  are having several adverse effects. From ancient era to till date Ayurveda  has also contributed a lot of ‘Atisernasak’ (antidiarrhoeal / antiameobic)  herbs and compound medicine. ‘Mustak’ (Cyperus rotundas, Linn) is one  of the popular antidiarrhoeal remedy has been mentioned in different  classical texts. In present study review of Ayurvedic literatures have been  done to collect the informations regarding the action of ‘Mustak’ as well as  pharmacodyanamics (Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipak & Dosakarma).  Methodical and scientific representation of those information have been  furnished here with to justify the claim of Ayurveda that ‘Mustak’ is a good  remedy as ‘Atisarnasak’. After being reviewed of the literatures it has been  found that ‘Mustak’ cures ‘Atisar’


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How to Cite

Mukhopadhyay, R., & Karmahapatra, P. B. (2022). Mustak (Cyperus Rotundus Linn.) is a Good Remedy Against ‘Atisar’ (Diarrhoea): An Ayurvedic Literary Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(4), 125-128.