Concept of Aahara According to Prakrti -A Review


  • Anita Kumari M.D. Scholar, PG Dept. of Kriya Sharir , M.M.M. Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur (Raj.) Author
  • Manish Kumar Sharma M.D. Scholar, PG Dept. of Kriya Sharir , M.M.M. Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur (Raj.) Author
  • Iqbal Khan M.D. Scholar, PG Dept. of Kriya Sharir , M.M.M. Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur (Raj.) Author
  • Ashok Kumar Sharma Professor & HOD, PG Dept. of Kriya Sharir , M.M.M. Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur (Raj.) Author
  • K L Sharma Asso. Prof. , PG Dept. of Kriya Sharir , M.M.M. Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur( Raj.) Author
  • Rekhraj Meena Assistant Professor, PG Dept. of Kriya Sharir , M.M.M. Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur (Raj.) Author
  • Ayushi Nigam Assistant Professor, PG Dept. of Kriya Sharir , M.M.M. Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur (Raj.) Author



Prakriti, Hita Ahar, Eating Habits, Health


Ayurveda the “Science of life” is a system of medicine that utilizes various  therapies including diet , herbal preparations and yoga to restore harmony  balance with in the body. It focuses more on the healthy living and well  being. One of the main goals of Ayurveda is to maintain health of a healthy  individual and to attain the health in the diseased. Diet is mentioned in 3  sub – pillar (sub tripods of life), since it is responsible is for growth &  development of the human body. One of the important concepts in  Ayurveda is “Prakriti” the innate nature of an individual & is determined  at the time of conception itself & remains throughout the life. Knowing of  Prakriti helps in maintaining the health and preventing the disease.  Ayurveda prescribes various foods and lifestyles According to one’s  Prakriti and suggests that one should follow these guidelines to prevent  various disorders and to promote health. In this era of lifestyle disorders in  order to improve the quality of life & to bring down the cost of health care  one should know about his Prakriti & the diet suitable for his body  constitution .Here by this paper is intended to explain the concepts of diet  in Ayurveda in a backlight of Prakriti. 


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How to Cite

Kumari, A., Sharma, M. K., Khan, I., Sharma , A. K., Sharma, K. L., Meena , R., & Nigam, A. (2022). Concept of Aahara According to Prakrti -A Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(4), 76-80.