A Conceptual Review of Jalauka and Jalaukaavcharana (Leech-Therapy) in Ayurveda


  • Mridu Jasrotia PG Scholar, Dept. Of Panchakarma PMT'S Ayurved College Shevgaon, Maharashtra. Author
  • Sandeep Shinde Associate Professor , Dept. Of Panchakarma PMT'S Ayurved College Shevgaon, Maharashtra. Author
  • Sachin Gandhi HOD, Dept. Of Panchakarma PMT'S Ayurved College Shevgaon, Maharashtra. Author




Jalaukaavcharana, Panchakarma, Raktaja roga, Leech, Svisha, Nirvisha Jalauka, Blood letting


Jalaukaavcharana (Leech therapy) is one of the form of Raktmokshana. Jalauka (Leeches)  are used for impure blood letting The two types of treatment that are advised in Ayurveda  are:-1). Shaman chikitsa and 2). Shodhana chikitsa. Shamana chikitsa means Internal  medicine and Shodhana chikitsa means Elimination therapy. In Ayurveda, Panchkarma is  one of the tools to treat many disorders. Acharya Sushruta included Raktmokshana in  Panchakarma. The first description about the Jalauka (Leech) is mentioned in Sushruta  Samita.The term"Jalauka"(Leech) means, a creature whose life depends on water. Jalauka is having various names which are - Jalita, Jalauka , Jalatani. Jalauka is the only Shodhana treatment that can be done on Children ,Ladies , weak , old , rich and fearful person . It is  mainly indicated for Vitiated Pittaja and Raktaja doshas. Modern Scientists and Physicians  also describe Leech and Leech saliva having Anti -Septic, Anti-Biotic and Anti-Coagulant  properties. 


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How to Cite

Jasrotia, M., Shinde, S., & Gandhi, S. (2022). A Conceptual Review of Jalauka and Jalaukaavcharana (Leech-Therapy) in Ayurveda . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(4), 64-69. https://doi.org/10.48165/