A Meta Analysis–Tridoshaj Sarvasara Mukhapaka Vis-À-Vis Oral Submucous Fibrosis


  • Aparna Sharma Associate Professor, Dept of Shalakya Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda Deemed to Be University, Jaipur 302002. Author
  • Ashok Kumar Associate Professor, Dept of Shalya Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda Deemed to Be University, Jaipur . Author
  • Shamsa Fiaz Head, Dept of Shalakya Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda Deemed to Be University, Jaipur. Author




Surgery, Tridoshaj Mukhapaka, Prevention, Oral


Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF) is a chronic disease characterized by the  deposition of the abnormal collagen. It is a pre-malignant condition in  approximately 2% of the cases. Ayurveda mentions a few matching conditions  as Tridoshaj Sarvasara Mukhapaka & suggests various treatment modalities;  local therapies as Gandusha & systemic ones as consumption of Rasayana,  Tridoshaghna herbs & herbals, along with Nidana Parivarjana / Abstinence  from addictions. This article reviews various aspects as literary & clinical  studies pertaining to OSMF / Tridoshaj Sarvasara Mukhapaka as per the  modern medicine, including prevention, Surgery, diet, lifestyle, physiotherapy,  Ayurveda with other Complementary Alternative Medicines are reviewed here.


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How to Cite

Sharma, A., Kumar, A., & Fiaz, S. (2022). A Meta Analysis–Tridoshaj Sarvasara Mukhapaka Vis-À-Vis Oral Submucous Fibrosis . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(4), 70-75. https://doi.org/10.48165/