Clinical Study of Brihatsindooradya Taila and its Malahar on Kustha w.s.r. to Chronic Plaque Psoriasis


  • Sumitra Medical Officer, Shri Mohata Ayurvedic Rasayanshala, Bikaner (Raj.) Author
  • Sanjay Kumar Associate . Professor , Dept. Of RasShastra and Bhasijya Kalpna , National institute of Ayurveda Deemed to Be University , Jaipur (Raj. ) Author
  • Kshipra Rajoria Lecturer, Dept. Of Panchkarma , National institute of Ayurveda Deemed to Be University , Jaipur (Raj. ) Author
  • Vijay Shankar Verma BAMS MD( Ayu), Jaipur (Raj.) Author



Kushtharoga, Maha Kushtha, Tri Dosha, Dhatugatawa, twakgata kustha, lakshnas, Aswedana, Mahavastu, MastyaShakalopama


Background: In Ayurveda, skin ailments are categorized as "kustha." In skin diseases, external  use of drugs is just as important as internal therapy because it may provide greater and faster  symptom relief. Acharya Sushrut while prescribing the treatment for kustha according to  dhatugatawa, mentioned shodhan and alepana as first choice of management for twakgata  kustha hence lepana karma has been considered as an ideal therapeutic measure for these  diseases.  Aim: The aim was to evaluate the role of Ayurveda treatment modalities in Kushtha. To  conduct the pharmaceutical – analytical study on BST and its malahar .To study the  comparative efficacy of Brihatsindoordya Taila (BST) and its malahar in the management of  kustha chronic plaque psoriasis.  Materials and Methods: The study was prospective, interventional with Randomized, Open  labelled, Controlled trial and conducted in 30 clinically diagnosed patients with classical sign  and symptoms of kushtha .The study was conducted on 30 clinically diagnosed patients of  Kushtha divided into 2 groups having 15 patients in each group. Total 30 patients of kustha  w.s.r. to chronic plaque psoriasis had been randomly divided into two groups was given  Brihatsindoordya Taila (BST) & Brihatsindoordya Taila Malahar ( BSM ) for topical  administration, twice a day, for a duration of 30 days respectively. Results: The observations and results concluded that drug i.e BST & BSM showed effective  and highly significant results in signs and symptoms of Kushtha i.e (p<0.0001). Conclusion: This case study revealed the efficacy of Ayurveda therapy, including external,  for 1 month in the management of Kushtha. Keywords: Chronic plaque psoriasis, Eka-Kushtha,  Shamana, Shodhana. The study reveals that combination of Ayurvedic modalities gives  significant result in lakshnas (Symptoms) like Aswedana, Mahavastu, MastyaShakalopama.


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How to Cite

Sumitra, Kumar, S., Rajoria, K., & Verma, V. S. (2022). Clinical Study of Brihatsindooradya Taila and its Malahar on Kustha w.s.r. to Chronic Plaque Psoriasis . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(4), 01-08.