Suvarnaprashana - Concept or Factual Practice of Ayurveda


  • Rakesh Kumar Nagar Associate Professor, Department of Balroga, National Institute of Ayurveda (Deemed to be university), Jaipur Author
  • Nisha Ojha Associate Professor & H.O.D, Department of Balroga, National Institute of Ayurveda (Deemed to be university), Jaipur Author



Suvarnprashan, Suvarn Bhasma, Jatakarma, Lehana, Rasayana, immunological status, cognitive level


In antiquity, gold was perceived as an important medication with various  favorable health effects. In an important book of Tao entitled Bauputz, the  author, Hung Kir (283–363 ad) stated: “ingest gold to live a gold-like  longevity”. These days, gold leaf, flake, or dust can be found adorning or  being added to a variety of dishes and drinks. However, its sole function is  that of a decorative accent. Gold, in all of its various medicinal forms, is  considered to be the most potent component of many distinct herbo-mineral  combinations in Ayurveda medicine. In pediatric populations, the usage of  gold is recommended right from birth, in conjunction with honey and ghee;  this process is known as Jatakarma in Ayurveda, while in the neonate and  above age group, to promote health, strength, longevity, etc., Lehana is  advised. Suvarnprashan is the name given to the practice of ingesting Suvarn  Bhasma together with a mixture of Rasyana and Balya medicines on a regular  basis for an extended period of time. Regular use of Suvarnprashan fosters  the child's overall growth. In addition to preventing infections, illnesses, and  allergic reactions, it has a good influence on the child's immune system.  Suvarnprashan may accelerate the development of the brain, the central  nervous system, and the generation of high-quality neurons, so that the future  cognitive abilities of the child will be exceptional. 


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How to Cite

Nagar, R. K., & Ojha, N. (2022). Suvarnaprashana - Concept or Factual Practice of Ayurveda . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(5), 185-192.