Management of Shweta Pradar (Leucorrhoea)through Ayurveda A Single Case Study


  • Sufia Mahmood P.G Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa. Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education and Research at S.V.S.P. Kolkata, West Bengal. Author
  • Md Nematullah P.G Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa. Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education and Research at S.V.S.P, Kolkata, West Bengal. Author
  • Sukumar Ghosh Professor and HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa, Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education & Research at S.V.S.P, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Author



Shweta Pradara, Leucorrhoea, Kapha Dosha, Shamana Chikitsa, Yoni Prakshalana


Shweta Pradar i.e. Leucorrhoea, commonly known as vaginal discharge is one of the  important major issues experienced in gynecological practice. It is usual to experience some  white discharge. Leucorrhoea is a condition in which there is an excessive amount of white  discharge from the vaginal area as a result of inflammation or infection of the lower genital  tract, which causes discomfort. Physiologically or pathologically, the symptom can affect  people of any age. The vulnerable are those with a low socioeconomic status. Most women  of all ages have dealt with it, especially when they are of child bearing or reproductive age.  As in our country due to poor nutrition, multiple childbirth, low socioeconomic status,  poverty, population growth, negligence of proper hygiene, many women are anaemic,  malnourished, ill-health may suffer from such infection. It is important to treat Shweta  Pradar (leucorrhoea) as soon as possible because it might lead to major complications if not  treated. For abnormal white vaginal discharges, the word "Shweta Pradar" has been  described in Ayurveda and it is extensively discussed in Ayurvedic texts. Due to kapha and  Vata Doshadhikya, this symptom appears. However, according to Charak Samhita, Kapha is the primary Dosha that causes leucorrhoea. In this case report, a 24-year-old female  patient with Shweta Pradar has complained of white discharge for the past nine months,  along with katisula (low back ache), Daurbalya (weakness), Kandu (itching), Durgandha  (odour), and occasionally Daha (burning sensation). She was treated by Shamana Chikitsa (palliative treatment) and Yoni Prakshalana for one month. She got excellent relief in  symptoms by above treatment. 


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How to Cite

Mahmood, S., Nematullah, M., & Ghosh, S. (2022). Management of Shweta Pradar (Leucorrhoea)through Ayurveda A Single Case Study. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(6), 48-53.