A Comparative Study on Vidangadi Churna and Amrutadya Guggul in the Management of Sthoulya with special reference to Obesity


  • Yougandhar Santosh Joshi PG Scholar, Dept of kaya Chikitsa, Sidramappa Danigond Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College and research centre, Terdal Author




Sthoulya, obesity, Vidangadi churna, Amrutadya guggul


Background: Sthoulya is a disorder dominated by medadhatu due to abnormal  accumulation of meda in Gatra pradesha specifically in Sphik, Udara, Stana and Gala.  It is caused by morbid kapha dosha initially and later pitta and Vaata involved in its  pathogenesis. This vitiated Dosha or Doshas afflict. The medadhatu involving medovaha  srotas produces the related symptom of its own srotas. Further in later stage due  abnormal accumulation of Abadha apachita meda in other respective srotas exhibits  lakshanas like Javoparodha, Ayusohrasa, and Swedabadha etc. as its complication. The  mode of onset is usually gradual depending upon the Nidana‟s like Atisampurna aahara,  Avyaayama, Manasika bhava‟s, Beejadoshaja and by Nidanarthakara karana‟s. The  involvement of pitta and vaata dosha‟s along kapha dosha in the pathogenesis of  Sthoulya can be well appreciated by their symptoms like Swedadhikya, Atikshudha, Ati  Pipasa, Dourgandhya, Javoparodha, Dourbalya, and Utshahani etc  Aim: To assess the clinical efficacy of Vidangadi churna and Amrutadya guggul in the  management of Sthoulya (obesity).  Materials and Methods: The clinical studies were conducted by the Randomized  Comparative Clinical Study method; this method compared the clinical efficacy of  Vidangadi churna and Amrutadya guggul in the management of Sthoulya (obesity).  Result: In Group A, 2 patients (10%) were shown marked improvement, 16 patients  (80%) were shown moderate improvement and 2 patients (10%) were shown mild  improvement. In Group B, 3 patients (15%) were shown marked improvement, 15  patients ( 75% ) were shown moderate improvement and 2 patients (10% ) were shown  mild improvement.  Conclusion- There is no much difference in the results of the both the treatment. Both  the drug significantly effective. 


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How to Cite

Joshi, Y. S. (2022). A Comparative Study on Vidangadi Churna and Amrutadya Guggul in the Management of Sthoulya with special reference to Obesity . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(6), 01-14. https://doi.org/10.48165/