Ancient Siddha Approach Towards Mother and Child Health Care


  • G Arthi M.D (Siddha), Sai Siddha Clinic, Salem, Tamilnadu Author
  • kumar V Lakshmana Medical Officer Siddha (AYUSH), AIIMS, Raipur Author
  • Kumar P N Sushil Research Associate, Siddha Clinical Research Unit, New Delhi Author
  • J Rathinam Assistant Medical Officer (Siddha), Government Upgraded PHC, Eriyamangalm, Nammakal, Tamilnadu Author



Mother care, Siddha, Child care, Antenatal care, Kuzhanthai Maruthuvam


Siddha System of medicine is the ancient traditional system. The word Siddha  means accomplished or perfect.‘ The food itself is medicine and medicine itself is  food’ is one of the basic principles of the Siddha system of Medicine. Siddha  Medicine not only acts as a curative and also as a preventive measure. Ancient  Siddhars’ (Founders of the Siddha system) described Mother care includes  Antenatal, Postnatal, and also child care. The Tamil Nadu Government introduced  the ‘Amma Magaperu Sanjeevi Scheme’ for antenatal and postnatal care. During  pregnancy we have to take care of a mother, she gets stressed and fears due to  various factors such as hormonal changes in the body, increase in body weight, etc.  So Siddha system helps to prevent miscarriage and facilitates normal vaginal  delivery. In Kuzhanthai Maruthuvam (Siddha Pediatric) Siddha's traditional  formulation Urai Mathirai(Tablet) is advised for infants and children. This article  briefly describes the ancient Siddha approaches to improving mother and child  health care. 


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How to Cite

Arthi, G., Lakshmana , kumar V., Sushil , K. P. N., & Rathinam , J. (2022). Ancient Siddha Approach Towards Mother and Child Health Care. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(7), 158-164.