Ayurvedic Management of Manyastambha (Cervical Spondylosis) w.s.r. to Therapeutic Role of Mashbaladi Kwatha Nasya


  • Yogesh Kumar PG Scholar, Department Of Panchkarma Uttarakhanda Ayurved University Gurukul Campus , Haridwar (Uk) India Author
  • Mayank Bhatkoti Associate Professor, Department Of Panchkarma Uttarakhanda Ayurved University Gurukul Campus , Haridwar (Uk) India Author
  • Balkrishan Panwar Professor, Department Of Kriya Sharir Uttarakhanda Ayurved University Gurukul Campus , Haridwar (Uk) India Author
  • Vipin Kumar Assistant Professor, Department Of Samhita And Siddhanta Uttarakhanda Ayurved University Gurukul Campus , Haridwar (Uk) India Author




Mayastambha, Cervical spondylosis, Nasya, Mashabaladi kwatha


Manyastambha is Vataja nanatmaja vyadhi due vata prakopaka nidana sevana.  The vata dosha gets vitiated and lodges in manya causing stambha and ruja of the  neck that ultimately led to manyastambha. manyastambha can be more or less  studied under broad heading of cervical spondylosis as both of these are having  similar signs and symptoms. Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition of  the cervical spine it is age related condition that affects the neck vertebra. The  disease not only negatively impacts a person's health but also greatly impairs  quality of life and daily activities. The treatment of Manyastambha, were proposed  for prevention and control by ayurveda. In ayurveda there are very treatment  modalities, among them nasya has been given much importance role in Uurdhvajatrugata roga. Acharya charka has indicated nnasya therapy exclusively  for the management of Manyastambha. The current article discusses the function  of particular ayurvedic methods in the treatment of Manyastambha(cervical  spondylosis). 


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How to Cite

Kumar, Y., Bhatkoti, M., Panwar, B., & Kumar, V. (2022). Ayurvedic Management of Manyastambha (Cervical Spondylosis) w.s.r. to Therapeutic Role of Mashbaladi Kwatha Nasya . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(7), 171-174. https://doi.org/10.48165/