A Clinical Study of Haritaki Mixed with Gavya Ghrita in Vibandha with special reference to Samyoga Guna


  • Monalisa Hansdah P.G scholar Department of Samhita & Siddhanta, GAC&H, Balangir, Odisha. Author
  • Arun Kumar Das .Principal, GAC, Balangir, Odisha Author
  • Manoj Kumar Sahoo Professor &HOD, PG department of Samhita & Siddhanta, GAC&H, Balangir, Odisha Author
  • Shibabrata Behera Reader, Department of RSBK, GAC&H,Balangir,Odisha, Author




Haritaki, Ghrita, Samyoga Guna, Vibandha


In Ayurveda, every fundamental principle has its own practical utility and most of the  concepts are expressed with Gunas. In Ayurveda Gunas described have been divided  into various categories like Adhyatmika Gunas, Gurvadi gunas, Paradi gunas, Visista(Artha) Gunas etc. Among these Gunas, for the success and accomplishment of  treatment, Paradi guna are the most important factor. These properties are very much  useful in pharmaceutics, researches and clinics. So there is a large scope for application  of Paradi gunas in field of research. These are total ten in in number and enlisted in  a way which begin in clinical practice or medical field, In clinical practice Guna which  are to be with Bhisak are mainly the Paradi Gunas which can also be called  miscellaneous Gunas. As rightly quoted by Acharya Charaka, for getting success in the  treatment Paradi gunas are the best. The sutra quotes “Sidhyupaya chikischayam”  which means that chikitsa i.e Dhatusamya will be done mainly with the help of paradi  gunas. In paradi Guna Samyoga Guna one of them. Samyoga is a property which has  been used by physicians and pharmacists in formulating different yogas and on the basis  of this property; it is decided which substances are to be combined or mixed with other  substances. Thus in this study an attempt was made to know the comparative effect of  Haritaki churna and Haritaki churna mixed Gavya Ghrita Samyukta effect in  vibandha. 


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How to Cite

Hansdah, M., Das, A. K., Sahoo, M. K., & Behera, S. (2022). A Clinical Study of Haritaki Mixed with Gavya Ghrita in Vibandha with special reference to Samyoga Guna . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(7), 08-13. https://doi.org/10.48165/