Ayurvedic Management of Sensory Neural Hearing Loss- A Case Study


  • Akash Parashar PG Scholar, Dept. of P.G studies in Shalakya Tantra, G.A.M.C, Bengaluru. Author
  • S M Pasha Head of department, Dept. of P.G studies in Shalakya Tantra, G.A.M.C, Bengaluru Author




Ayurveda, Sensory neural hearing loss, Badhirya, Sarivadi Vati, Rasayana Chikitsa


Introduction: Sensory neural hearing loss occurs when there is damage to tiny hair  cells in the cochlear or the auditory nerve. It is characterized by Sudden or steady loss  of hearing, Muffled hearing, Difficulty for understanding speech, Ear fullness,  Tinnitus and dizziness. According to WHO It is considered the main type of Deafness,  which also affects the quality of daily life. In contemporary medicine there is no ideal  cure for it, except the application of hearing aid and surgical intervention. In Ayurveda  we can correlate it with Badhirya and treat according to it. Thus there is a need to  develop an Ayurvedic treatment protocol which is effective and economically viable. Methods: A 34- year old male adult approached OPD of SJIIM Bengaluru,  complaining of decreased hearing in both the ears along with tinnitus since 1and a half  months. He was taken in for treatment after assessment. Result: After 4 months of treatment, Subjective parameters improved. Conclusion:  By the above case study we can conclude that Ayurveda will have a pivotal role in  treating cases of Sensory neural hearing loss and in return improving the quality of  life. 


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How to Cite

Parashar, A., & Pasha, S. M. (2022). Ayurvedic Management of Sensory Neural Hearing Loss- A Case Study . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(8), 128-132. https://doi.org/10.48165/