Development and Evaluation of Traditional Pinda Taila Loaded Gel Formulation


  • Shruti Sharma Lecturer, Department Of Pharmaceutics, College Of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Joginder Nagar, Mandi, H.P. Author
  • Priyanka Chaudhary Research Scholar, College Of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Joginder Nagar, Mandi, H.P. Author
  • Ravinder Kumar Lecturer, Department Of Pharmacology, College Of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Joginder Nagar, Mandi, H.P. Author
  • Rakesh Thamman Principal, Professor & Head Sharir Kriya, College Of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Joginder Nagar, Mandi, H.P. Author



Bhaisajya kalpana, Sneha Kalpana, Pinda Taila, Pinda Taila gel, Vatarakta


The Indian system of Medicine; the Science of life, originated in the Vedic times  of India, emphasizes on preventing the disease and maintaining the health. Sneha  Kalpana, an Ayurvedic dosage form includes products of medicated taila and ghee,  widely used internally as well as externally to treat various disorders. Pinda taila,  herbal medicated oil intended for vatarakta (gout) and daha (burning sensation) in  Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is applied topically in the form of Abhyanga. The  name Pinda taila is because of pinda (semisolid) like appearance of final kalpna.  The viscous appearance is marked by the presence of Sarja rasa and  Madhucchishta. The dravyas present in the Pinda taila pacify the vitiated  vatadosha and rakta. Vatarakta, a painful condition, is a disorder where vata is  vitiated by rakta or vice-versa. The symptoms include ruk (pain), daha (burning  sensation), toda (pricking pain) and shotha (inflammation) and managed with both  internal and external chikitsas using gutika, niruha, lepa and sneha kalpna. In  Ayurveda, Taila kalpana are included in Sneha Kalpana. In ancient literature there  is immense description regarding manufacture of Sneha kalpana (ghrta and taila  kalpanas) The Nomenclature of Sneha Kalpana is sum of two words Sneha and  kalpana ; where Sneha means ‘fat’ and kalpana means ‘pharmaceutical process of  medicaments’. 63 medicated tailas preparations are listed in official “Ayurvedic  Formulary of India”. The present work aimed to develop a patient compliant gel  preparation of Pinda taila as a substitute of oil for external application and its  evaluation. 


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How to Cite

Sharma , S., Chaudhary, P., Kumar, R., & Thamman, R. (2022). Development and Evaluation of Traditional Pinda Taila Loaded Gel Formulation . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(8), 93-99.