A Clinical Study of Interception of Fistulous Tract with Application of Kshar Sutra (IFTAK)Technique Using Madhu Saindhav Aragwadhadi Kshar Sutra in the Management of Bhagandara (Crypto Glandular Fistula).


  • Mohan Swarup Sharma PG Scholar final year, Dept. Of Shalya Tantra, U.P.G.I.A.S.&R Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur. Author
  • Rajesh Kumar Gupta Professor& HOD Dept. Of Shalya Tantra, U. P.G.I.A.S.&R. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur Author




Bhagandara, Ksharsutra, Fistula in Ano, IFTAK (Interception of Fistulous Tract with Application Of ksharsutra) Technique


The humanity had been suffered from various diseases and among the many  uncomfortable conditions from the onset of civilization. Fistula in ano one of the most  important one. Its anatomical situation makes it difficult to treat. It is known as  Bhagandara in Ayurvedic classics. The disease was widely prevalent and numerous  techniques were tried for its management. However, none of them could provide solace  to the suffering mankind. Though there has been a lot of advancement in the modern  surgery in recent years and many surgical diseases are treated with less invasive  procedure such as laparoscopic and robotic surgeries which has revolutionized the  management of surgical diseases. But fistula in ano is still the disease with high  recurrence rates in present time also. Ayurveda offers an effective, safe, less invasive  treatment modality called ksharsutra therapy which have been in since many centuries  practice). Ksharsutra therapy has many advantages like the tract is completely excised  by lekhan and improved healing simultaneously so, there are least chances of  recurrence, minimal scaring and no chance of anal incontinence but Ksharsutra cause  certain discomfort such as long anxiety period, number of hospital visit, Discomfort  and longer duration of treatment. The present study regarding interception of fistulous  tract with application of ksharsutra (IFTAK) was done in the patient of usually horse  shoe type fistula, supralevator fistula, transsphinctor fistula, extra sphincter, fistula in  ano which showed great potential in the management of fistula in ano by reducing the  duration of treatment with minimal post operative scar. 


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How to Cite

Sharma, M. S., & Gupta, R. K. (2022). A Clinical Study of Interception of Fistulous Tract with Application of Kshar Sutra (IFTAK)Technique Using Madhu Saindhav Aragwadhadi Kshar Sutra in the Management of Bhagandara (Crypto Glandular Fistula) . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(8), 43-50. https://doi.org/10.48165/